

For my project, I decided to explore the use of “Photoshopped beauty” as this was the medium we were using to complete the assignment. For the first image titled “Exploring”, I made use of the green-screen technology we learned to place the women into the foreground of the mountainous background. I then placed the image of the infamous “Dove model” on top of the layers and added an outer and inner glow to her. This was to give the effect that she was an omniscient, heavenly being with her multiple digital edits. Finally, I placed the text on the image, making sure to emphasize the “true beauty” line.

This image, to me, symbolizes the journey which many women face to find their “beauty.” Unfortunately, this journey is prolonged and made all the more difficult to complete through various media representations of what “true beauty” really is. Technology has also played a big part in this journey, as we have seen the wonders that Photoshop can do to any photo. It ultimately leaves one hesitant to believe anything one sees anymore. The text in the image is satirical of course, poking fun at the fact that many companies will sell this “manufactured beauty” as being the face of “true beauty.”

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